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We Went To Build A Bridge

Of Trust and Support with Our Legislators



One Picture Worth More Than A Thousand Words! 

On January 9th at 4: 30 a.m. a bus filled with 50 concerned pastors and laity departed from Tucson to bring 170 Arizonans inside the Az. State Capitol Building from 7 to 9 AM to pray for God’s favor and anointing on our Congressional Representatives, Senators, Supreme Court Justices, our Governor, and Executive Leaders. Most importantly we were invited by our State Government to engage in this vital responsibility!


I was equally encouraged at our nation’s capital, watching a video on Louisiana Congressman, Mike Johnson, who at 6 a.m. led a gathering of congressional representatives on the floor of the U.S. Hall of Congress in prayer before the 15th and final vote which elected representative Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House.  And… this might shock some to know that there were both Democrats and Republicans joining together, praying in non-partisan unity!

These experiences seeking God’s face shine a much-needed light on what friend and ministry co-laborer, Randy Reynolds, shared with Pastors and Christian leaders at our New Year’s 1st  gathering of the Tucson Ministry Association, namely that as Christians , our role is best fulfilled when we do not to stand against the culture but kneel before God, asking Him to transform our culture to His desired rule, and simply to utilize us through serving in our community, and  asking God to have His Way and His Will in unifying our nation through the preservation of good government in our Cities and States for the well-being of our national citizenry.

This new year at look for encouraging movements to ready for as we inform and encourage our civic-minded pastors and people to Pray, Stand, and be active in kingdom-valued Voting for His glory and our good!

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

1 Timothy 2; 1,2