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Changing History One Vote At A Time




         I’ve wrestled with the question of “Where do the boundaries between my civic duty and my moral responsibility as a pastor intersect, particularly regarding our participation in the upcoming 2024 National Election? After much prayer, consulting with respected Christians, and study in God’s word, I composed a 2024 Election Message which I preached at my church. Please listen to this message as I believe it will be worth your time.

Thank you,

Pastor Pat McClanahan

Fellowship Bible Church: Tucson, Az.

If you sense that this message would be beneficial to anyone, please send it along.


  Our Impact

No Time To Fly Solo

fly solo

This is no time to fly solo in American culture today. Pastors need to be involved in the cultural, social, and political arenas of life. We cannot be silent; and we certainly cannot sit this one out.  In fact, we need to stop seeing these cultural and social and political arenas as obstacles in our way but there are literally doors that God has presented before us that I believe he wants to see opened for His glory, so the good news of the gospel can permeate all throughout our city, our state, across our nation, and yes, even across the world.

So, I want to encourage you, as a pastor, and spiritual leader right here in our city and state to think about some ways that you can be informed, and you can be involved. I believe the key to that is holding God’s truth in one hand and holding the love of God in the other.  And may all of us do that in the state of Arizona as we navigate through these cultural waters that we find ourselves in today.

 Seven Uplifting Scripture Prayers for Our Nation 
  When we pray for our nation we glorify God, and bring forth His Help! These uplifting scripture prayers are examples of effectual prayers  we can pray for the sake of His glory returning and reigning in America.



Seek Your Face Prayer   2 Chronicles 7:14 Lord, your word says that if we humble ourselves as a nation and seek your face, you will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.  Father God, Forgive us all our sins, for we have sinned greatly against you.  Turn our faces back to your face! Bring your Healing to our nation as we pledge to set right our many wrongs.  In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.


Surrender Prayer   1 Timothy 2:1-2

Lord, thank you for this great nation you’ve blessed to shine as a light to the world. Help our leaders to be godly so they may direct our nation righteously.  Touch their hearts that they may spearhead truth and justice for the good of all. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.


Your Will Prayer   Matthew 6:10

Father God, we thank you for our beautiful land. May the people in leadership direct our country according to your will. When we stray, Father, forgive us and show us the right way to go. Help us to be a nation that pleases you until the second coming of Christ. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.



State Capitol Prayer Gathering Jan 2025! 


  Our beginning

“What I have learned’

By Pat McClanahan

In my 40 years serving in Tucson as a pastor in a local church, a coach in public schools, and a parent of three children, here are a few things I have learned along the way…

  1. We accomplish more through winsome persuasion than hostile disagreement.
  2. Being a positive influence is a privilege rather than a burden.
  3. Many agree with points of view, but few get involved. As long as life is comfortable most will live with the status quo.
  4. It is always easier to complain about a problem, than contribute to the solution.
  5. When we must take another on with an opposing view, we do so out of love and concern for them, rather than distain of them.
  6. Society’s unraveling will not be stopped by one person, one political party, or one point of view. We must come together seeking the highest common good.
  7. Change starts with a few dedicated people, committed to the right cause, willing to stand, who do not give up..
  8. The work in bettering a society begins with prayers of genuine repentance, trust in God’s sovereign direction, and resolve to remain steadfast to the task.
  9.  God evaluates our success, not on debate victories or rallying the most supporters, but our faithfulness to do what He wants, love what He loves, hate what He hates, and leave the results in His care.
  10. God is most capable when we give Him thanks in all things!

  Our Resources

Why Must Christians Vote?

First, every Christian should cast a vote because it is our biblical responsibility to vote.

 In Old Testament times, God’s people were told to “Select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; & you shall place these over them as leaders.” (Exodus 18:21 NASB).

 Secondly, it is a right and a privilege. In America, we have the freedom to help direct the course of our country by voting for the men and women who will lead us.

 And finally, our nation depends upon it. Your vote counts. It is the lifeblood of democracy. And as we face critical issues, we must all do our part in choosing leaders of values, of strong character, and of faith. The future of your children and grandchildren is at stake.

 As informed voters with biblical convictions, you and I must take advantage of the awesome privilege we have to vote and help shape our world for our children and grandchildren. There can be no denying the action YOU take will impact the future of those you love.

 This year, I appeal for you to value the freedom and opportunity you have, and make sure that you and your family, friends, and co-workers are registered to vote, educate yourself on the issues and candidates, get to the polls early, & do your part as a citizen of this great nation. Your voice needs to be heard loud & clear at the polls.

 Pastor Pat

Asking the proper question is fundamental to knowing how to arrive at the correct answer. It is time to return to the Book. & listen to the only source that has the only authoritative answers for how God’s four governments… Self-Government, Family Government Church Government & Civil Government have been designed by God to operate, & learn how we as Christians should operate, & cooperate to be part of solutions
In the beginning, God was the government. Therefore, a government patterned off the original design of the Creator is a government that does not seek to limit humanity’s freedoms, but thru the declaration of clear, broad, & just boundaries, along with carrying out immediate consequences for breaking those boundaries. It is in this type of government that individuals, families, churches, & communities are best equipped to cultivate & maintain high levels of both productivity and enjoyment. so that free enterprise can flourish.
Biblical vs Social justice summary Biblical Christianity in ideological social justice are distinct and incompatible world views. They are opposed in their understanding of ultimate reality, power, authority, human nature, morality, and much more. These differences matter. They will inevitably lead to vastly different kinds of societies. A culture where truth is replaced by power, and gratitude by grievance. A culture where your identity is defined by your tribe and your tribe is always in conflict with the other tribes. So, let’s give the bible it’s due, and have God’s word clarify the dissimilarities between Biblical justice & today’s Social Justice. And most important, let’s devote ourselves to Biblical Justice.
It is unfortunate today that far too many believers are expecting the solutions to our problems to land on Air Force One. They are expecting the transformation to come from Our Elected Officials. But 2 Chronicles Ch 15: vs 3-6 puts it in proper perspective. It says For a long time, Israel was without the true God, without a priest to teach and without the law. But in their distress, they turned to the Lord, the God of Israel, and sought him, and he was found by them. In those days it was not safe to travel about, for all the inhabitants of the lands were in great turmoil. One nation was being crushed by another and one city by another, because God was troubling them with every kind of distress Now if God is Your Problem; Only God is Your Solution. If God is Your Problem, then the 1st concern not ought to be Who’s in the White House? but who’s in Our House? If God is Your Problem…if He is causing Your Distress, then the maximum amount of our time should not be spent on getting The Right Person in Washington… The bulk of our time needs to be spent in Getting God back on our side!

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